Thursday 11 May 2023
11:00 - 12:00
Earth as a second skin
Jan Keymis – Hippo Architecten (case Jeugdhuis Club 9 in Koersel)
Tom Cortoos – Beel Architecten (case Museum Midden-Afrika Tervuren)
Benjamin Denef – DMOA (diverse cases)
Shana Debrock – Departement Omgeving – Vlaamse Overheid (onderzoekster ondergronds ruimtegebruik)
Moderator: Rik Neven – Architectura, Palindroom
It seems natural for a building to be built on top of the earth. But that does not always need to be the case. Why not use the earth as a second skin. In that way, you create a free, high-performance insulation layer while minimising the building's impact on the natural environment. And this does not need to at the expense of daylight. If it is so interesting, why doesn't it happen more? That is one of the questions moderator Rik Neven will put to some architects who are absolute advocates of this way of building and will substantiate this with some interesting cases.
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