Kortrijk Xpo
15 & 16 May 2025

Features and seminars 2023

Nature-inclusive building


Lore De Wolf – Corridor
Koen Van Delsen – murmuur architecten

During this info session, we will explore why nature-inclusive building is important. Then we will work out a plan of approach in terms of soil, water, lighting, biodiversity and landscaping, among other things. 

Seminar in Dutch

"AWE!" welcome to the era of the dumbfounded economy


Herman Konings – Trendwatcher

As the perma-crisis - the nagging sensation that we are rolling from one crisis to another - fuels fears, uncertainty and doubts among the population, new scientific research offers an experiential solution to help people dispel feelings of uneasiness and lethargy : AWE!

Seminar in Dutch

Skins in Extreme Environments


Xavier De Kestelier – global Head of Design at Hassell

Xavier De Kestelier is Head of Design at international design practice Hassell, where he leads design technology and innovation across all disciplines and regions. 

Seminar in English

Ceramic House


Wessel van Beerendonk

Powered by DAPh
Seminar in English

Other editions 

A@W Brussels

29 & 30 May 2024

Other countries

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Design & Plan